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Información del anuncio

Inca Hacienda, Lasso - Cotopaxi, Ecuador - Lasso - Cotopaxi

Números de Celulares

Celular 1 999547802

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Datos de Ubicación

Dirección Lasso - Cotopaxi, 77 km. of Quito on the Panamerican Highway, Ecuador | Abrir mapa

Detalles Especificos

Correo Electrónico 1
Correo Electrónico 2

Actividades y Ocupaciones

Actividad o Servicio que Presta 1 Fincas - Hoteles
Actividad o Servicio que Presta 2 Matrimonios, Fiestas y Eventos
Actividad o Servicio que Presta 3 Ecoturismo

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Descripción Detallada de los Servicios que Presta o Productos que Vende.

Welcome To Inca Hacienda

About one hour from Quito by way of Panamericana Sur stands the unique colonial Hacienda of San Agustín de Callo. Built on the site of an Inca palace (600 years), one of the two most important archaeological Inca sites in Ecuador, and the point furthest north from Cuzco of Imperial-style construction, this working farm offers an unrivaled glimpse into Ecuador´s rich and colorful past.

How do you feel about sleepingt in an Inca Palace?

About Us

Since the 15th century, it has served as an Inca fortress and palace and an Augustinian monastery. It was also the temporary home of the French Geodesic Mission whose scientific work helped change the shape of the planet.

Anuncios similares a

Inca Hacienda, Lasso - Cotopaxi, Ecuador

Fincas - Hoteles
Matrimonios, Fiestas y Eventos